IndieWeb Summit

June 27-28, 2020

Portland, Oregon

The tenth annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, graphic artists, designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, create and improve their personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

IndieWeb Summit is cancelled

Please see: Updates regarding Summit and COVID-19

We will be having an online only IndieWebCamp. For more information visit IndieWebCamp West 2020

Code of Conduct

All participants are expected to follow the IndieWeb Code of Conduct and the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines. We take this seriously, and by attending IndieWeb Summit you agree to do the same.

Need help? You can reach the IndieWeb Code of Conduct responders through the email below. Responders will be monitoring this email address throughout the event.


Remote Participants

None yet!
and 1 private registrations

Indie RSVPs

See for instructions on how to create an RSVP post. Once you've created the RSVP post which links to this page, send a Webmention and you'll appear below! Please make sure to still register for a ticket above though!


-, 2020
Mozilla, 1120 NW Couch St #320, Portland, Oregon

Pre-Summit Meetup
The Pre-Summit Meetup is an informal social meetup for IndieWeb Summit participants to catch up and get to know each other before the summit.
  • 17:30 Pre-Summit Meetup!


Saturday, June 27
Keynotes & Discussions
Day 1 starts with keynotes, including major milestones, accomplishments in the past year, and demos, then BarCamp-style brainstorming and discussion sessions.
  • 09:00 Doors open, badges, coffee, and breakfast!
  • 10:00 Keynotes
  • 11:00 Lightning Intros & Personal Site Demos
  • 12:00 Group photo & decentralized lunch
  • 13:30 Session Proposals & Scheduling
  • 14:00 Sessions (45 minute slots)
  • 17:30 - 17:45 Day 1 closing session
Sunday, June 28
Create, Hack, Demo!
Day 2 is for making things on and for your personal site! Collaborate with others or work on your own to improve at least one thing on your personal site, no matter how small or how epic.
  • 09:00 Doors open, badges, coffee, and breakfast!
  • 09:30 Day 2 session scheduling
  • 10:00 IndieWeb Creating:
    IndieWeb 101, IndieWebifying your WordPress, Dev intro to indieweb building blocks
  • 11:00 Start creating!
  • 12:00 Group photo & catered lunch
  • 13:00 Creating sessions continue
  • 16:00 Demos
  • 17:30 Closing Keynote

Schedule is subject to change. View the full schedule grid on the IndieWeb wiki for the latest updates.

Related Events

There's a lot happening the week of IndieWeb Summit! Here are some related events. These events have their own registration process and community guidelines so please register on their respective websites! More related events will be added as we learn about them! Want to recommend a related event in Portland? Let us know in the IndieWeb meta chat!


Travel Assistance

The IndieWeb community is building the foundation of a web controlled by individuals for themselves. It's crucial to have independent web creators from all backgrounds at IndieWeb Summit to have a rich discussion and build cool things.

If you are a member of a group that is typically underrepresented (e.g. if you are not hetero, white, cis and male), and otherwise could not afford to travel to IndieWeb Summit on your own, generous donations from sponsors and other IndieWeb Summit attendees are able to be put towards a fund to assist individuals from underrepresented backgrounds with travel, lodging, and/or childcare costs for the Indieweb Summit in Portland.

If you think that you could benefit from this fund, please apply here. You needn't be an IndieWeb expert or master hacker, just an excited participant willing to share and learn.

If you would like to contribute to this fund so that we can provide assistance to more individuals from a diverse background, please contact Aaron Parecki.


Special thanks to our sponsors who make it possible to provide food and space for the IndieWeb Summit

  • Thanks to our backers on Open Collective for their continued support!
  • Mozilla is a non-profit organization helping to keep the Internet healthy, open and accessible to all.
  • Okta provides an API that seamlessly handles user registration and multi-factor authentication for your applications.

How to Sponsor

We would be thrilled to list you as a sponsor! See our sponsorship prospectus for details, or become a monthly supporter.

Download Sponsorship Prospectus (PDF)